The Fisio & Terapia center is directed by Alicia Jiménez Ranea, physiotherapist graduate of the University Alfonso X El Sabio (Madrid) and collegiate No. 2996 by the Bar Association Professional Physiotherapists of Andalusia. Alicia is also an osteopath accredited by the Master in Techniques of Osteopathy.
Expert in Physium method,,es,Manual orthopedic therapy,,es,Advanced manual therapy,,es,Dry puncture,,es,María Millán García,,es,graduated in Physiotherapy by the University of Jaen in 2015, collegiate number 7784. Currently attending the Official Master of Osteopathy by the Official School of Madrid,,es,EOM,,en,Expert in Therapeutic Pilates and in Hypopressive Abdominal Gymnastics,,es,GAH,,en,And let's add Mary,,es .
Terapia manual ortopédica.
Terapia manual avanzada.
Punción seca.
Laura Blanch Alí, podóloga numero de colegida 1763.
As an expert in podiatry Sergio Escalona Martin, referee number 1528.
Responsable de atención al cliente Cati Martos Verdugo.